
Get ready for the challenge and set foot on this exhilarating journey.

Highly Intense

Take control of a group of snipers and must shoot your way to the end of the level.

Strategic Control

As you progress, tougher enemies will appear and your group will have to be even more strategic in order to survive.

Quick Decisions

You'll have to think on your feet in different situations and make informed decisions immediately.

Holistic Thinking

You'll need to stay alert and keep an eye out for items that may help or hurt you in the mission.

Exhilarating Experience

With stunning graphics and immersive gameplay, Paralayang Slider will take you on an exhilarating journey through the clouds.

Ultimate Excitement

Soar high in the sky and simply enjoy the fun of flying.

Challenging Conditions

Navigate through multiple obstacles with bravery and cautions.

Precise Control

Control your glider with precision and master your flying skills the way.

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Let’s take a glance at the scenes!